26. November 2022 ChristianSchmidt

Application form

We are pleased to invite artists to participate in the fifth edition of the Kyllburg Art Route. For this purpose, we have made an application form available for download. This can be submitted together with a detailed description of the idea and motivation by February 28. The application form can also be passed on to (other) artists:

Bewerbungsformular Kunstroute 2024

A group of curators will review the applications and make a selection according to financial possibilities. The artists will receive a fee of 500 €, material and travel costs will be reimbursed (by arrangement).

The art route will take place from Sunday, June 9 to Sunday, October 5, 2024.

The construction work will be concentrated on the weeks from May 11 to May 26.

About the art route:

The Kyllburg Art Route is a project that harmonizes art and landscape in a similar way to “Land Art”. The Kyllburg Art Route took place for the first time in summer 2019 and was a great success. Around 2000 visitors visit the art route every year. The idea is to expand the art route every year.

In 2024, a 3 km route with over 30 sculptures and installations by international and regional artists is to be created again in the Hahn Forest Park, which can be visited free of charge from Saturday, June 9 to Sunday, October 5, 2024. The installations and sculptures will be accompanied by various small musical and theatrical activities. The theme is “Color & Light”

The organizer is “Kyllburg Verein(t) e.V.”, a non-profit association to which several local associations belong.

If you have any questions, please contact me.
Yours sincerely
On behalf of the Kunstroute team

Olivier Rijcken

+31 6 23504755 (Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram)

Video Eröffnung Juni 2022:
