See and hear Nature and Art
Mobiles in the branches of the trees. They appeal to the two senses: sight and hearing. The figuratively painted clay figures from her studio, which the Dutch artist Bien van Heek hangs in the branches for the Kyllburg Art Route 2024, make a sound when the wind moves them. Van Heek was impressed by the dimensionality of the towering trees in the ‘Hahn’. She had to search for a long time to find a suitable place to hang her work ‘Carousel of Time’ on horizontal branches. The artist calls the individual shapes ‘creatures’, as a kind of symbiosis between human and animal. She writes: ‘They symbolise the hope of natural cooperation, the right path that humans and animals must take to make or keep this planet worth living on.’
The curators: ‘The mobiles are a good fit with the aim of the Art Route in harmonising nature and art and constantly questioning and daring to take a new path.’
Bien van Heek studied at the Ecole Superior des Beaux Arts d’Aix en Provence and the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. On her artistic work, the artist says: ‘My works are created like dreams at night from events during the day. It takes shape in clay, in colour, in writing, like a constant search for the inexplicable rightness of things.’