For me, Land Art is work that consists only of natural materials present on site, without adding anything – no ropes, screws or whatever. I look at what is present in a place and try to enhance it. This trail of tree trunks flows, indeed tumbles, down the steep slope with force, right through the footpaths, straight to the source.
Thanks to Olivier, Huub, Jan, Joop, Ron and Ton for their indispensable muscle power!
Mattanja Coehoorn, born in 1965 in the Netherlands, studied biology at Wageningen University. After a career as a copywriter in the field of energy/environment, she moved to Maastricht in 1998, where she graduated in Autonomous Textiles at the Academy of Fine Arts. In addition to her autonomous works, she also produces many applied works, most notably the redesign of chairs. Her works are regularly exhibited and purchased by individuals and companies.
Mattanja makes her objects mainly from natural materials, which she carefully works with textile techniques. Flowing transitions play an important role. The works are pliable, soft and fragile, but at the same time large, monumental and powerful. They seem to be connected with the earth and the universe, the past and the future, the ancestors and the posterity, based on the idea: everything is already there and is constantly rearranged, endless, timeless.