13. April 2023 ChristianSchmidt

We are looking forward to the Art Route 2023

We are pleased to announce that the fourth Art Route will take place this summer, from Sunday 11 June to Sunday 10 September 2023.

Over the past few months, artists have been invited to apply to participate. From more than 20 very good applications, 10 new artists were selected. They will work on their creations, build structures and/or create and install their artworks during the second half of May. The approximately 3 km long route will thus include more than 25 artworks, mainly inspired by Land Art.

As last summer, small concerts and guided tours will be organised. Please see our online programme.

The Art Route is made possible again this year by the commitment of dedicated Kyllburg citizens as well as numerous regional companies, municipalities and cultural foundations. We are grateful for every donation. Visitors and sponsors can also show their appreciation with a donation. For this purpose, we have set up a donation page with our account details.

We look forward to welcoming you to the official opening. We will offer three guided tours and live music. The start is on 11 June 2023 at 2 pm at the Haus der Begegnung, Marktplatz 10, 54655 Kyllburg.

The Art Route Team