
My picture panels, and steles are only readable in a coded system that wants to be aesthetically accessible. They are orders, rows of enigmatic wood beetle traces, whose peculiar magic was heightened with sculptural means and reminiscent of linear lettering, which, however, refuse any resemblance to the conventionalized code. They are borderlines between primeval form and dissolution of vital life – they are expressions of vital life.


André Käpper (*1963) is a freelance musician and sculptor from Densborn-Altenhof with numerous exhibitions and participation in international symposia / projects. He often works with wood and other natural materials.

The search for found wood from the local area is the basis of all his works. On his forays through forests and old sheds, he is particularly interested in dead branches and trunks with traces of insect damage, but also in agricultural wooden tools and furniture fragments. A common characteristic of these found woods is that they have become the expression carrier of human and animal traces of life. In the aesthetic realization, these signs of living communication become visible in a new context.